Tuesday, 21 January 2014

It will be bye-bye to the Co-op

Of course, it all started to go downhill in 2008 with the financial crash and all that.

I had an account with Britannia Building Society. All fine.

Interest rates dropped of course, but we all took that in our stride.

But then Britannia got taken over by the Co-op Bank. Colours changed (red to blue) - not a problem at all. Then I noticed on my visits - probably once or twice a month - that the old staff weren't there any more. Who were these new cashiers?

Soon got used to the new staff, I guess.

Late last year they suddenly changed the Saturday opening time from 9 to 9.30. Not very helpful to us early Saturday starters.

Then last Friday came a letter saying they were closing my local branch in April. Final straw.

I went in on Saturday morning (after 9.30) with intent to complain (with some sympathy) to the now familiar new(ish) staff. But even the new staff were gone. Was it a coincidence? Were these new new people temporary, or plants from head office? I didn't bother to say anything.

Action will speak louder than words. I'll be closing all my family's accounts with the Co-op.

Friday, 3 January 2014

Charity should begin at home for flood victims

It's tragic to read and hear about people who have been affected by the latest floods, mainly coastal this time. The same goes for previous flood victims - many not far from where I live in Surrey.

I hope that insurance companies can help them out - after all, this is just the kind of thing that we all pay into the insurance pot for.

Whether councils can or should do more to help victims or even take preventive measures, I don't know, but, again, I hope they are doing all they can to help people out.

What events like this in our country do bring to mind is the amount of money we often send abroad to victims of natural disasters. That is all very well and I wouldn't like to see that stopped, but do we ever send money to victims in our own country?

If not, we should do. Charity should begin at home.