Thursday, 2 December 2010

Today it's the weather and the World Cup bid

There are only two stories out there today: the weather and the World Cup bid.

It seems that the news channels will be following the FIFA World Cup vote throughout the day, interspersed only by bulletins about how bad the weather is and the travel chaos it causes.

Our endless fascination with the weather in this country is amazing. We appear to love seeing pictures taken from a helicopter of a white screen, cut by dark lines - white fields, dark hedgerows! The kids get up early on snowy days - but only to check the local websites to see if their schools are closed! The parents hope the schools will be closed to avoid the dreaded school run on icy roads.

But after a few days we're fed up. Snow is either a slushy mess or compacted to ice; the kids are restless; the heating's been on too long; and we all need to get back to work to earn some money. Bring on the thaw!

It would be nice to think that our mood in the UK (well, England, anyway) will be brightened shortly after 3pm by an announcement that England will host the World Cup in 2018. We'll see.

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