Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Rubbish collection service is rubbish

The subject of rubbish bins rears its head from time to time. It seems to be a subject that gets us all a bit riled from time to time.

Here's my two penn'orth, and I know it's been said before.

Why is that I have to leave my bins (today it was a large general recycling bin and a small food recycling bin) neatly at the edge of my property ... but the bin men (for 'tis thus how they are known) can leave the larger one askew on the pavement and the smaller one sideways down in the flower bed?

If I were to leave them askew on the pavement and fallen over in the flower bed next Wednesday morning for the bin men to collect, guess what? They wouldn't touch them, and maybe I'd get a note telling me off.

It's not very good service is it? In fact, it's rubbish.

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