Friday, 13 January 2012

Recruiting for the Emergency Services

I have just completed a website for recruiting for the Emergency Services in the UK. It's called

It seems that trying to find a job with the Emergency Services is not that easy. The police force and the fire service recruit every 12-18 months when enough people have left the service. However, dates for recruiting are not set and could occur any time in any area. Potential new recruits have to check their websites for vacancies every week - every day, really. In addition, each different area has its own force or service and these will all recruit at different times. It is not an easy system to work.

The purpose of the new site is to stop all that pain and give you peace of mind that no matter when your service recruits you will know about it! It's not a free service, as paying for research staff and overheads means that there are costs involved.

I think it's a noble idea and I hope it meets with great success.

Access it here:

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