Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Why 'No Junk Mail' is not helping the economy

I know that not everyone likes "junk mail" - those unaddressed envelopes that come through your door, those exhortations to take out a loan from your bank, the shiny supermarket leaflets that fall from your free local newspaper.

However, I think this 'No Junk Mail' kind of thing is unhelpful to the economy:
- especially with regard to leaflets posted on behalf of small local businesses.

I sometimes deliver leaflets to help out a friend who runs this business: Just Deliveries.
It is frustrating when you walk down a driveway to be confronted by such a rejection.

But how does it affect the economy?
1. The fewer leaflets we deliver, the less we are paid.
2. It's less advertising for the small businesses on whose behalf we are delivering, meaning less business potential.
3. It will result in less printing for the local printer.
4. Further down the chain: ink, paper.
5. Down a different chain: shoes for the deliverer; a break at the local independent coffee shop.

So, think again before you hang up your sign:
Indeed, consider the future, when you may be running your own small business and may need to advertise it with leaflets. You'll quickly remove your sign then!

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