Monday, 3 November 2014

Mad school-run parking is frankly stupid

Last week it was (almost) a pleasure to be out and about in your car. Getting to and from work by car must have been a joy.

This week, however, the madness has returned. The school half-term is over. The school run is back.

So between 8.30 and 9.15 and 2.45 and 3.15, make sure you're not a road anywhere near a school! Because you won't be able to move. In their desperation to park as near as possible to the school gates to avoid junior getting wet hair, they park in ways that can be best described as "stupid".

I've just been out to post a letter (on foot). There's a school not far from the end of our cul-de-sac. I don't mind them parking on our road, but NOT right on the corner at the junction with a busier road! I had a polite word with a mother who had parked in that way and was significantly adding to the chaos. "Oh," she said, "I tried further down, but there was no room."

"Well," I replied, "if you could avoid parking on the corner, it wold help. Look at the chaos you're causing."

On I went to post my letter, and then came back. As I did so, I was hailed by a woman from a car, waiting at traffic light. "I'm glad you had a go at her," she said (obviously referring to my 'polite' word with the bad parker), "she always parks there!" And off she drove as the lights turned green.

So my bad parking friend does it every day, does she?

I might have to have another look tomorrow!

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